"she remembered what hope was, and this was it. that inner churning that moves you forward" -elizabeth strout

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

i'm baaaaccckkkkk

many apologies for not keeping up. computer access in morocco was very limited. nonetheless, i would love to share some reflections on my trip. we visited a few different souks (markets) in morocco and they were wonderful. i have been thinking about how moroccans have it right when it comes to food, in that they are so much 'closer' to their food than say, in america. when you go to the souk, you can buy your produce, meat, poultry from the person who grew it or prepared it. this, in america, would be a novel experience. the leather goods and textiles are beautiful; i wanted to buy them all. the earthenware and decorated plates are also stunning. sometimes, the souk is a little overwhelming in that bargaining for your goods is part of the culture and this, obviously, i am not used to; i felt tense sometimes when i was bargaining, but it was fun to participate in such an event.

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