"she remembered what hope was, and this was it. that inner churning that moves you forward" -elizabeth strout

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i decided to start writing

since i am officially finished with my formal education for the year, i am now embarking on my informal education and thus needed an outlet to write. i think that the written word is a really valuable outlet for expression. i remember loving 'free-write' periods in grade school. i'd like to think of this endeavor as an ongoing free-write.

i'm an idealist, and i focus on goodness in the world-that's what i'll include-all good things in my world.

i hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. So happy you have started a blog. I will be one
    of your most avid readers. And yes Positive.
    All the way!
    You fill me with boundless love, my girl. Goggy
