"she remembered what hope was, and this was it. that inner churning that moves you forward" -elizabeth strout

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

reasoning for my mini-journey

i leave for morocco on sunday. eek! (more to come on this trip-i'll keep you posted)

in the meantime, i think it's important to have a reason for going on this trip: my primary reasoning behind wanting to go to an african country is to experience absolute culture shock. as a future educator in the public school system, i will (most likely) get students in my class who do not speak english, are not familiar with its customs, and have a very different lifestyle. i want to feel what it feels like to be totally unfamiliar. i want to know what its like to be the only one in the room who doesn't speak the language, but desperately wants to understand.

this is something that i feel i need to do; it was such a unique opportunity, staring me blankly in the face, daring me to embark on a 12-day, exotic journey to a beautiful, majestic, foreign land.

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