"she remembered what hope was, and this was it. that inner churning that moves you forward" -elizabeth strout

Saturday, May 8, 2010

bonjour, morning

somewhere along the way in my college career, i turned into a caffeine junkie. it happens to the best of us, i suppose. it just makes morning so much better. in the winter, i feel cozy; in the summer, i sit outside and bask in the glory of morning sun and the small amount of addictive liquid flowing throughout my body. it is my go-to, number one vice. i started with dunkin donuts, graduated to starbucks, and have ended my coffee-seeking journey at independently owned, neighborhood coffeehouses. but when i think about it, i've spent an inordinate amount of money on lattes and coffee and loose leaf tea. i've wanted a french press for a long time, and one day i was foraging my cabinets for something else...and ran across just that. a small little metal/glass wonder. as i prepared my coffee this morning, i was inspired to share that i do not believe there is anything better than french press coffee. coffee snobs all over swear by it, and i have jumped on the bandwagon. it is easier than it looks, and it makes me feel elegant. who doesn't want to feel elegant?


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